七、V. M. Tarvydas 將專業倫理的標準,分為三大類:專業的內部標準、專業實務工作者的臨床標準、外部規範標準。請依下列專業倫理的特色,依序寫出其歸屬上述3大類之哪一類專業倫理的標準?(10分)
Vilia M. Tarvydas
維拉·塔維達斯(Vilia Tarvydas),博士,臨床試驗協調者(CRC, Clinical Research Coordinator),心理諮詢師(LMHC, Licensed Mental Health Counselor),是愛荷華大學康復與諮商教育系(Department of Rehabilitation and Counselor Education at University of Iowa)榮譽退休教授,也是身心障礙與康復倫理學會(I-DARE, Institute on Disabilities and Rehabilitation Ethics)的創辦人。
(一) 以規範或機構為標準、以法律及風險管理的觀點為考量、以經費及機構或信託觀點為考量。(3分)
外部規範標準。(二) 較為聚焦在專業的考量、較為特定的各種專業標準、涉及專業認同與義務。(3分)
專業的內部標準。(三) 較為聚焦在職場場域、適用於單一領域或多重領域的標準、依個案或情境不同而異、可用於評量個別專業人員的表現、可用於測量成果。(4分)
專業標準的組成部分The practice of counseling is both an art and a science, requiring the practitioner to make both value-laden and rational decisions.
Rather than being incompatible stances, both facts and values must be considered in juxtaposition to one another to arrive at rational decisions (Gatens-Robinson & Rubin, 1995).
Within ethical deliberation, the practitioner blends such elements as personal moral sensitivities and philosophies of practice with clinical behavioral objectivity and the quest for efficient care of clients.
The nature and complexity of standards of practice for all of the professions have changed and grown over the last several decades.
The term professional standards no longer simply means specifically the ethical standards of the profession.
This term is a general term meaning professional criteria indicating acceptable professional performance (Powell & Wekell, 1996), and may encompass ethical and/or clinical care standards.
There are three types of standards relevant to describing professional practice: (1) the internal standards of the profession; (2) clinical standards for the individual practitioners within a profession; and (3) external regulatory standards.
與描述專業實踐有關的標準有以下三種:(1)專業的內部標準; (二)專業個體從業人員的臨床標準; (3)外部監管標準。
Taken together, these professional standards increase the status of the profession and its ability for self-governance, as well as enhancing the external representation of and accountability for the profession's competence with clients, the general public, employers, other professionals, external regulators, and payers (Rinas & Clyne-Jackson, 1988).
These types of standards, their major characteristics, and principal components are depicted in Figure 17.1.
Internal Standards
內部標準First, the internal standards of the profession form the underpinnings of the appropriate role and functions of the profession.
Internal standards are characterized by being focused on advancing the professionalism of the group in question, having the intent of setting a profession-wide standard of practice, and assisting individual practitioners through defining their professional identity and obligations.
Prominent examples of mechanisms in this category are the profession's code of ethics and any guidelines for specialty practice relevant to the discipline.
Clinical Standards
The clinical standards for professional practitioners are close to the internal standards, as both are directly relevant to services delivered to the individual client or patient.
Additional characteristics of clinical standards include focusing on single professional or interprofessional standards of clinical care.
These standards may be specific to a particular setting or client population: they evaluate the competency of individual professionals based on the specific care rendered, and they have a client or patient care outcome measurement focus.
Peer review processes and standards, as well as clinical care pathways, are examples of these standards.
Standards of External Regulatory Bodies
The last component of the professional standards is the standards of external regulatory bodies of diverse sorts.
These standards are focused on regulatory- or institutionallevel concerns.
They usually involve legal or risk management questions and deal with funding or institutional fiduciary perspectives.
There is a judicial type of component in which legal or quasi-legal processes are at play; for example, community standards of a professional group being used in a malpractice suit or a code of ethics adopted by a licensure board to discipline licensees.
General social values typically underlie both law and the values of the profession, making them generally compatible.
The society would not long tolerate a profession that is routinely operated in a manner significantly at variance with its core value structure.
Corey, Corey, and Callanan (2010) noted that law and ethics are similar, because they both constitute guidelines for practice and, in some sense, are regulatory in nature.
However, law can be seen as representing the minimum standards that society will tolerate, and ethics involves the ideal standards set by the profession itself.
The law also informs the counselor of what is likely to happen if a professional is caught committing a prohibited act, such as sanctions or restrictions to a professional license to practice as a counselor.
The other component of external regulatory standards involves institutional standards used to judge the effectiveness and efficiency of an entire agency or institutional unit, as is typically done in quality assurance or utilization review.
Such strategies have been common in medical settings and are becoming increasingly common in counseling—as the influence of managed care on the profession accelerates through increasing demands for outcome-based treatment planning.
An emphasis on evidence-based practices (such as those discussed in Chapter 19) is increasingly reflected in such standards of care.
This chapter is concerned with the ethical standards of rehabilitation counseling, but it is important to note the synergistic relationship among these three types of professional standards.
Ethics are the moral principles that are adopted by a group to provide rules for right conduct (Corey et al., 2010).
The code of ethics for a professional organization is a specific document formally adopted by the organization, which is an attempt to capture the profession's current consensus regarding what types of professional conduct are appropriate or inappropriate.
However, they are normative statements, rather than absolute dictates of situational guidance.